Hembram tech
5 min readNov 1, 2020


Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways

I remember years ago when I first heard about the need to raise the vibration of abundance to attract more of what you want. At the time, I didn’t understand what this meant or how to go about doing it. I listened to the experts in the law of attraction talk about positive thinking and positive feelings and tried everything they suggested. It helped, but my life didn’t really change in any way.

I still felt missing, I felt alone, and I still felt powerless to really change my life. I felt so very long. That was hard. In some ways, the shepherd felt like he was striving for change, then simply giving up and accepting that “this is exactly the kind of life it is.” I almost did it.

Since then, I have learned that real acceptance is the way to peace and abundance. But it is one thing to be content with the status quo, because the struggle feels too painful and quite another lives in the peaceful acceptance of the abundance that already exists. They all have very different energy vibrations.

Increasing the vibration of abundance means moving to a higher, faster vibration. Not only in your thoughts or feelings, but also in your body.

The frequency of vibration that attracts all of you is found in every cell in your body.

The way to elevate abundance is to focus on the physical body. Your physical body expresses your physical reality. The clearer the flow of energy in your body, the higher your vibration.

Here are 5 simple ways to switch to a higher frequency.


If you read this article, you will breathe clearly. But oxygen is absolutely essential for the flow of energy. Without enough oxygen, the vibration in your cells slows down and they begin to die. Given that each cell is an individual power source for life, it is vital that they get everything they need to stay healthy and vital. The healthier they are, the faster they vibrate. The faster they vibrate, the clearer the flow of energy.

To get all the benefits of oxygen, we need to breathe deeply. Most people don’t think about their breathing, and therefore the amount of oxygen that enters their body is limited. It is important to fill the entire lung, including the lower part attached to the nervous system. A lot of anxiety symptoms can be relieved simply by taking deep abdominal breaths. When you inhale, your stomach should expand completely. When you exhale, your stomach should be completely emptied.

Stop and take 3–4 deep abdominal breaths every hour and you will immediately feel the increase in energy produced by the extra oxygen.

Eat lightly
The food you eat has a huge effect on your state of mind. When you eat heavy food, you feel heavy. When you eat light food, you will feel light. There is a direct link between the amount of food you eat and the amount of energy you eat.

What do I mean by heavy or light food?

Examples of heavy food can be starchy vegetables, bread, pasta, meat, dairy, sugar food and fried food. The amount of food is also important. Let’s think for a moment about a Western Christmas dinner. It’s a real heavy food celebration. And what happens when everyone has stopped eating? They fall asleep. Your body literally shuts you down so it can go to work by digesting and removing everything it can’t use. When you eat heavy food, your body needs to go overuse to handle it. This can take several hours and consume a lot of energy. Vibration slows down as a result.

Examples of light foods include lettuce greens, fruits, nuts, raw vegetables, and some grains. When you eat light food, your body is able to process it quickly and return to maximum vibration.

When you eat mostly light * food, you increase the vibration of abundance, you feel lighter, more energetic and more alive.

Your body needs you to stop so it can repair and restore cell health. When we constantly focus on technology, run from task to task, and think all the time, our bodies have no way to focus on vital systems to maintain health. It does the most important tasks while you sleep, but many of the more complex tasks are left undone. Over time, this causes system interruptions and energy cannot flow properly. Sleep is important, but so is rest. Take time to sit in nature, meditate, reflect or just be. When your body’s internal systems work efficiently, energy flows freely. The clearer the flow, the higher the vibration.

Move your body
We understand that exercise is important for health. There is indeed a saying “use it or lose it” here. But it is also important to move so that the energy does not stop. It’s a bit like the contrast between a flowing stream and a pond. The constant movement of the current keeps the water clean and fresh, but the pond needs maintenance because the lack of movement causes a stop. Stagnation is a slow flow and it is the same as the flow of energy in your body. Moving your body makes your heart pump, your lungs expand and contract and ‘shake everything up’. Therefore, movement is vital for efficient energy flow. It doesn’t have to be high-intensity * exercise, but the more you can move, the higher your vibration will be.

Check posture
This is one of the simplest but most effective things you can do for yourself. When you stand up straight, you immediately increase the flow of oxygen around your body. Each organ returns to its correct position, the veins can open freely and energy can flow freely without blockages. Get up, take a deep breath, open your chest by pushing your shoulders back, lift your head and look straight ahead. You immediately feel a sense of freedom in your body. This is an increased flow of energy and is one of the easiest ways to increase the vibration of abundance.

Finally, bring your consciousness into your body as the source of energy that it is. Pay attention to breathing, eating, resting and moving. Always lift your chest up and out, pull your abdominal muscles to support your spine and keep your chin raised from your chest. Practice this as you sit, stand, and walk.

With practice and awareness, you will feel lighter, more energetic, and raise the vibration of abundance to attract more of what you want.

It’s a good place to start …

Allanah was nice enough, that she is allowing you to download her 7 minute abundance blueprint for free by clicking here.



Hembram tech

I am not expert, I am a learner....